With our 22 years of experience, high quality service understanding and privileged skills in real estate consultancy, we produce special options for you and find your ideal one.

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Versatie Real Estate

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Property Consultant

  0532 497 95 42   [email protected]

Property Consultant

  0533 696 49 61   [email protected]

About Us

Versatie has the solution you're looking for.


Whether 'my comfort and security together' or 'the Bosphorus is under my feet' you search for your dreams to come true as soon as possible, from advertisement to advertisement, street to street, neighborhood to neighborhood…


With our 22 years of experience, high quality service understanding and privileged skills in real estate consultancy, we produce customized options for you and find your ideal one. Whether you are buying, selling, renting or transferring…


A young, dynamic bundle of energy that can be described by actions rather than words, qualities rather than adjectives.

The ore at the core of this energy is a comprehensive accumulation of common sense, carefully and painstakingly filtered through a wide and deep wealth of experience.

It is the vectorial combination of this energy and wisdom that enables effective group access to any direction, in any group, at any time when the need arises…

Multifaceted, multidimensional, holistic effective energetic mind.

For the curious, the English words 'versatility' meaning versatility, usefulness and 'versatility' and 


We provide the most suitable and quality real estate.


Zorlu Center, Teras Evler T1 / 121 Beşiktaş/İstanbul

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